I respectfully disagree…

This is a very short blog about a few things that have been brought to my attention following on from the whole ridiculous ‘dinosaur‘ fiasco that I want to offer some comments on and if possible ‘nip in the bud’.
The first, is that it has been brought to my attention that some have seen the regular questioning, critique and comments I make against the many outdated thinking, reasoning, methods, fads, gimmicks, woo and quackary as motivation to do the same.
This is immensely humbling and I encourage this to continue!
It has also been brought to my attention that some may have got themselves into difficulty and/or trouble by trying to challenge and confront others rather clumsly and rather disrespectfully, and it has been suggestted that this is due to them possibly imitating my own occasional clumsy and head strong methods.
Please don’t, please stop!
I am the first to admit I can be like a bull in a china shop at times, engaging the mouth before the brain, and I will also admit I can be blunt, direct and not the most polically correct from time to time. But I am aware of this, and I accept the consequenses that occur because of this, and believe it or not, I am trying to improve on these flaws (although at times I think they are very positive traits to have when sh*t needs to get done).

I urge all who question and challenge anyone, about anything to be mindful of how they do it.
Respect the rules, respect the logical fallacies, respect the difficulties in communication that can occur, especially online, and at the end of the day, respect your fellow human beings.
I won’t go into the debate again whether using the word ‘dinosaur’ to describe someones outdated views is, or is not, disrespectful as thats been argued to death on both sides. Just to say please, please think carefully about the consequences of what and how you say things.
The other point to make, is that some have suggestted that as a physiotherapist who has a code of conduct and rules and regulations to follow, my argument of having the right to free of speech is flawed, and that actually I dont have this.
I understand this, codes of conduct are there to protect and guide, and so do indirectly constrain free speech. However due to the society we live in we are fortunate that they do not prevent it.
Simply put, we do all have the right to free speech, however, we have to be aware of the consequences that this freedom can have at times, from rebuke and rebuttal, to legal or disciplinary action, or even for some persecution and threat.
So I will finish by saying, please keep questioning, please keep challegening. But please don’t copy me, and please be respectful and aware of the possible consequences.
Thanks again for all the support
Much love
PS: the next few blogs will be back to clinically meaningful matters, I promise!



  1. Hello Adam,
    It is with interest that I read your posts since having left the profession of Physiotherapy many years ago to undertake counselling and Psychotherapy training only to find myself back in the world of Physio again, where I find that everything Physio related has moved on, along with the world in general from my original training in Physio over 20 years ago.
    I graduated in a world where Acupuncture was the remit of Chinese therapists only and so I delight at reading the posts of Physios such as yourself who enable me to feel somewhat validated in my past experience.
    You question the biomechancal model and place emphasis on the Psychosocial aspect, quote:
    “The first is, no matter the lip service given by many of these dinosaurs to the past decade of modern pain science, and the work gone into understanding the effects and affects psychosocial factors have on pain, many still worship at the alter of biomechanics.”
    The difficulty that I have experienced is that once you enter the world of the psychosocial you are entering the world of the non-measurable, the subjective and precisely the opposite to the thing that most Physios are trying to get a grasp of and that is an objective measurement by which to mark progress by.
    Also, when we begin to view the situation through the psychosocial lens are we then not viewing the whole situation from a wider perspective, looking at the ‘living’ situations of people and therefore rendering ourselves social and political workers? Did I sign up for that originally?!
    I agree that as ‘healers’ we can not be limited in our view and our perspective needs to widen.
    We must not be restricted by the standard scientific view but may use it as a starting point for our observations. And we must fit into a ‘scientific’ world while remaining connected to our instincts and gut feelings for these are our guides. It’s not an easy stance to take and one that I am learning all the time.
    I attended a course recently by Joanne Elphinston “Stability, Sport and Performance Movement” (I prefer her title;”The Art of Beautiful Movement”) and the thing that impresses me the most about Joanne’s work is that she has found a way to integrate all aspects of Physio’s work. She utilizes our knowledge from respiratory and the importance of breathing exercises. This was particularly significant for me as I used to be a respiratory Physiotherapist and realized many years ago that how we breathe indicates much about our present state.. She also uses our knowledge of neurology and reflexes and with further understanding I can sense that with her work I am going to see how psychology and our development affects our self awareness.
    It’s ALL about awareness and perspective.That’s what we are doing all the time as Physios from the initial assessment when we look at a person’s ranges of movement (For some people, this will be the first time that they would have examined how they move) to the treatment when we provide them with some scientific reasoning for applying tape, trigger pointing or myofascial releasing when what we are really doing is assisting them to gain an insight into how their body is working, while providing them with the intention of helping them to get better. And we are also widening our own perspective from the fine detail of mechanics to the wider view of the situation.
    I see Joanne’s work as a bridge between western modern scientific reasoning and the ancient spiritual traditions such as Yoga and Thai Chi. She has found a way to satisfy our western need for scientific reasoning to describe what is basically instinctual, or so it should be, and that is how we move and what how we move reveals about how we feel.
    I will end this way too long comment by reiterating my old college Principle Mr Fowler, who said;
    “Physiotherapy is a way of keeping the patient entertained while nature takes it’s own course” and who set my path in motion.
    Keep questioning, as it is with curiosity we grow!

    • Hi Louise
      Thanks for your comments, I do like Joanne’s stuff and views, although I don’t agree with it all, but like her relaxed and playful exploration of movement, with principles rather than algorithms and rules to follow.

      • Hi Adam. Thank you for the reply. Without wanting to draw you into anything that you might not want, but while respecting your analysis would you care to elaborate on what it is you don’t agree with? I do like to see things from all sides!
        Many thanks.

  2. I wonder if the HCPC would really want to have to arbitrate on issues of free speech. I suspect tehy would be very unwilling to do so and unless the language is offensive (and I don’t me the use of words like dinosaur) I suspect they would avoid the issue. I would not however have any plans to test that anytime soon.

  3. “…….believe it or not, I am trying to improve on these flaws….”
    Don’t change your style, it’s what makes you unique, interesting, easy to read, and discussion-worthy. Otherwise you may as well re-brand as the ‘NAF’ Physio Blog, and have far fewer readers!

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