Festive greetings and lots of thanks…

I know that not all celebrate this time of year but I thought I would drop you all a little message to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! But more importantly to say a massive thank you, to you all for making 2014 such an amazing year for me personally and ‘The Sports Physio’.

It still amazes me more than anyone else that my little blog that started in 2012 with just a few views per month and no subscribers has grown so quickly and rapdily and become one of the most read and followed physio blogs, with over 17,000 subscribers and on average 100-125,000 views a month, and I know that this is ALL thanks to you recommending, following and sharing my blogs and posts, so thank you all again.

My reasons and intentions for starting my blog was only really to put down some of my inner thoughts and feelings on many of the frustrating issues I regularly encounter around physio, more for my own benefit to reflect and to exorcise some frustrations and angst, kind of like self therapy, you know, a bit like muttering to yourself when someone or something pisses you off! I never dreamed, imagined or expected it to become so well followed or well known for its controversial style, or as a source of debate, discussion and of course disagreements.

Unexpectedly I now find this site, and myself, as a regular catalyst for debate and discussion around some of the more controverisal topics in physiotherapy, which in my opinion very much needed, and I look forward to continuing this in 2015, with future plans for articles on and around topics such as Foam Rolling, Acupuncture, Keniso Tape, Morals and Ethics and of course more on my most beloved topic of manual ‘bloody’ therapy!

However, I still want this site to be a source of evidence based information for all therapists and still want to post blogs and articles that help inform and educate on clinically relevant topics.

With this in mind I have some exciting plans for 2015.

The first is I am now the proud owner of a new web site domain name www.thesports.physio and will soon be transferring all the info on this site and all my subscribers over. Dont worry, you dont need to do anything and you shouldn’t notice any disruption. The second thing I have plans for is that the new web site will have a section or forum for debate and discusion for therapists on the more controversial topics I write about, but then there will be other sections for education and information for both therapists and patients alike.

So once again I thank you all sincerely for your continued reading, following and support. Heres to 2015 and I wish you all lots of good health and happiness





  1. Adam, Just a quick note to tell you how much I appreciate what you do. As a PT of 30 years I have become increasingly alienated from a profession that used to have a nice clear little niche-rehabilitation. The expensive half baked crap that is promoted as PT makes me want to disappear, which is exactly what will happen to PT if we don’t get back to the fundamentals. Thanks again and Happy Holidays. Kevin Reilly, P.T.
    Sent from my iPad

  2. Hi Adam,
    Thank you for taking the time to write articles and post blogs on the more controversial topics in physiotherapy. I enjoy reading your blog- I believe it is a trustworthy source of
    evidence based information.
    Have a wonderful New Year and keep blogging.
    Best regards

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