Manual Therapy Myths

A 1 hour webinar

About this Webinar

This short talk looks at the current evidence and some of the research trials that question and challenge the most common claims made about all types of manual therapy treatments.

It will take a look at…

Is any type of manual therapy ‘skilled’

Is any manual therapy ‘specific’

Does manual therapy have any structural effects

It will look at soft tissue treatments as well as spinal and peripheral joint mobilisations and manipulations.


0-5min Welcome & introduction

5-15min Does experience or training matter?

15-30min Can we feel what we think we can feel?

30-45min Is manual therapy joint or tissue specific?

45-60min Can manual therapy create structural adaptions?

So if you want a simple, honest, bullshit free look at what manual therapy can and can not do… this talk is for you!


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About Adam

Adam is a Physiotherapist and Strength & Conditioning Coach who works both in the NHS and private practice in the UK. He has over 20 years of clinical experience and has helped a wide range of people with a wide range of pains and problems. He has worked in a wide variety of settings including professional sport.

He is widely known for his critical and sceptical views and writings on many things within physio and healthcare including all manual therapy treatments.